PTA Committee Descriptions
The following is a list of Committees and Volunteer opportunities.
Year Round Opportunities
These require initial set up at the beginning of the school year and periodic check-ins throughout the remainder of the year.
Room Reps
Treats for Teachers
Watch DOG Dads
August Opportunities
Packet Stuffing
Back to School Luncheon for teachers/Hospitality Coordinator
September Opportunities
Welcome Back to School Picnic (planning begins earlier)
ByLaws Committee
October Opportunities
Monster Mash
Reflections (carries into November)
December Opportunities
Breakfast with Santa (planning begins earlier)
Winter Musical Liaison (planning begins earlier)
February Opportunities
Bingo Night (planning begins earlier)
April Opportunities
Nomination Committee
Scholarship Awards Committee
May Opportunities
Teacher Appreciation Week (planning begins earlier)
Fifth Grade Bridging (event in June)
June Opportunities
Spring Musical Liaison (planning begins earlier)